A solopreneur building software products and traversing the world of startups

Welcome to Solopreneur.sh!

I'm a Daniel, a solopreneur and fullstack software developer. This is my startup journey into solopreneurship, where I share my thoughts, wins & losses, and lessons learned about my products.

I also love meeting people, so if you're a solopreneur or vibe the journey, reach out and say hello!


Thanks to the mad geniuses in the MicroConf community, I fell in love with the bootstrapping way of building a startup. Bootstrapping is HARD, but I think the venture capital (VC) business model is broken for the majority of startups, my own included.


I'm a solopreneur in the truest sense of the word. I have no cofounders, no team, no employees, and no contractors. I'm adventuring through the wild west of startups truly solo, and I own it. And against the wisdom of YC and many VCs, I think that running solo is massively advantageous.

Open Source

I'm an avid supporter of open source software because I believe it has has fundamentally changed this world for the better. Open source has a sustainability problem, but I think commercial open source applications built by bootstrapped solopreneurs like me are a great answer to that problem.